Monday, September 7, 2009

Gay Marriage

Whether or not gay marriage should be made legal is a controversial topic in America today. The gay community argues for the same legal and equal rights as any other person. The right to marry whom they love and care for. If gay marriage was legalized in all societies the gay community would have the privileges attached to being married - the best known is a change in federal tax status. Gay couples by law would than be able to check the “married filing joint” status (Tumbull). On the other hand, some religious individuals and groups feel marriage is a religious sacrament or ceremony and feel that they will become at risk of having to violate their beliefs by being forced to marry same sex couples. In my view gay marriage should be legal in all states, because not only is it their right to have that choice as an American but it also comes with all the benefits of being married. Such as being able to speak for their partner when they are in the hospital and they can not or when two people are married, they have the benefit of being on each others insurances.

Turnbull, Lornet. “Married gays feel boxed out by IRS forms.” Seattle Times. Seattle Times, 13 Apr. 2005. WEB. 09 Sep. 2009.


  1. Churches have the right to choose which marriages they want to preform or not. There are many Marriages churches object to and refuse to marry the individuals. I don't think all churches should be required to perform marriages they don't feel comfortable with. I think this should be a choice on the churches themselves. Many couples go on retreats and meeting to see if they are compatible with their partners. I think this should be the same for same-sex couples. With this legal piece of paper the biggest change will come with children. There wouldn't be any debate as to what will happen to children from same-sex couple homes if they were legally married.

  2. Most people think that when same-sex couples adopt, that the child will be either confused about their own sexual choice, that they will be missing out on a normal life, that they won't have either the motherly love or father figure to look up to, or that they will be frowned apone by others. The fact is no one will really know what will become of that child, or if that having the same-sex parents will be the cause of any problems. People say that all a child needs is love, but the reality is that society has the biggest affect on a child's life. I don't blame society for not wanting same-sex couples to adopt, because their worry is not that their gay, its that the child has no choice and society wants the best for any child. If society didn't argue and fight then it shows no human compassion for children , we should be lucky to still have people who care. People for centuries have only known a woman and man to raise children, or one or the other, its only natural for them to freak out. Give it some time, I'm sure that society will accept the same-sex adoption.

  3. While it is true that society looks down on same-sex couples adopting children this doesn't stop the convicts, muderers and child molesters who marry and procreate. I don't believe there is an ideal family. Many children come from broken homes. Single Moms raise children everyday with the lack of a father figure. Who is to say what the right home is for a child as long as they are being well taken care of. My own view is that society doesn't know what is best for each and every child. I would rather see a child in a loving same-sex home then in a foster home waiting for the perfect "ideal" family-which in my opinion probably will never come.

  4. I agree that same-sex couples should be able to adopt children. Love is powerful tool, and children need all the love they can get. It's better that they live with someone who loves them, then in a crowded foster home. I think it's sad the society looks down on it, but in their defense they just want what's best for the child. They can't prevent convicts, murderers, and child molesters from procreating, because they can't tell who they are until its to late. So they try preventing something that is in their control. It's hard to prevent someone from potentially harming a child when the child is theirs, but they can prevent it when a child isn't that person's. People feel bad when children are in bad situations that were not prevented, so they try to prevent when they can. Not saying society is right for looking down, but I can see their side on the situation. I like to put myself in the other sides shoes to see why they would think the way they do, and saying the other view is wrong is not right, because in their mind it is.

  5. I also agree with same sex couples adopting children. I don't feel it is wrong for them to do that. Personally I know people that are against gay couples and marriages, Some of which are in my family as well. I think entirely different than they do. I personally don't belive gay marriage is correct but there is absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage and a gay couple adopting a child. I don't think living with gay parents will alter a persons mind into doing something different or deciding to be gay as well. I think the worst part of this ordeal is the media. Some make gay marriage to look worse than it is and I feel that's why most people frown upon this topic. I just have religious beliefs. I think the media and news are a complete joke.

  6. I agree with what your saying the media is a joke and they will do or say anything to get people to watch. I think its great that two people of the same-sex get married and have the same equality as straight people. Anyone that is willing to fight and go through so much hassle just to have a child is worth having one. All a child needs is love, compassion, and a lot of patients. Some people might be uneasy about the situation, but their just worried. Once its a common thing no one will worry as much, as they do now. So many children need homes and it's better that they have one with lots of love. Marriage is a special thing to everyone, its two people joining their life and soul into one. Its also a lot of battles and tears and if two people are willing to do that, then who is anyone to say they can't.

  7. Yeah this is all becoming more common. It actually hasn't been until the last few years that gay marriage has become a huge controversy. Growing up I never heard problems with religions and the government invading people being married. But since it has become more common I see more severe ends of peoples ideas about it. There are more people that are 100% against it and more people are trying their hardest to legalize gay marriage within the whole country. Marriage is a very special part of a family's life. It is better to have a gay couple that treats a child greatly than a couple that poorly treats the kid.

  8. You would think that just a loving home either straight or same-sex would be a enough for a child to be placed in but in so many cases that isn't true. Many same-sex couples get over looked because in today's society raising children in a same-sex home isn't what is acceptable. I really don't think children being raised in a same-sex home even notice any difference. As long as they are loved and treated well. I don't see any reason why adopted children shouldn't be placed in same-sex homes.

  9. That is what should be enough for a child to live in. It's wrong that a child will pass up a loving family just because they are a same-sex couple. Just because they are the same-sex has absolutely nothing in how well they would parent a child. They may even be better parents than a man and woman. It's sad that kids are kept in foster homes or live with people that they are unhappy with, even if they are same-sex or not. I think the choice would be what's best for the kid. An unhealthy, unhappy couple caring for a child is worse than a happy, loving gay couple and I think it's time for society to take some initiative in their thoughts and really think of what would be best for those children. Even if it doesn't seem like a logical choice for themselves.
